
Three Easy Steps to Build a Scene

Scenes are the building blocks of fiction. Every scene contributes to your novel in some way whether through characterization or plot progression. Let’s take a look at three easy steps to build the framework of a scene.

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Eleventh Annual Great Books to Give…And Get

Eleven years! Normally (haha!) I post a list of books that I've enjoyed during the year, but this year, I thought I'd do something a bit different. We’ve all been traveling a lot less. Maybe, like me, you've had to cancel a few trips. Without even realizing it, I've...

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31 Days of Writing Inspiration for 2021

Well, 2020 has felt like a marathon with a moving finish line. I usually love this time of year. The twinkle lights. The egg nog. The holiday movies I wrap myself in like a cozy blanket. But even at the end of a "normal" year, I'm often drained, running on empty and...

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I’m Reading

Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus



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