One of the great things about using public transportation on my daily commute is the walk from home to the subway station. Along my half-mile route, I really get the opportunity to be part of the neighborhood, to be aware of my surroundings in a way that isn’t possible zipping by in a car at 50 miles per hour. I love looking at the details in the building facades and thinking about all the people who’ve walked these sidewalks before me. Maybe it’s the writerly side of me coming out!
My neighborhood, a historic brownstone district, was developed mainly between 1860-1880. Even though I walk this route every day, I’m amazed by how often I find something interesting to catch my eye. Come along with me on my daily walk to the subway.

The Montauk Club was built as an homage to the Ca d’Oro in Venice, Italy. (See images below.)

Traditional Brooklyn brownstones typical of my neighborhood

My favorite parts of this building are the rounded window atop the turret and the steel “arm” holding the chimney to the roof.
What is your commute like? Do you pass any interesting sights along the way?
Have a great weekend, everyone!
In England we call those funny face things on buildings gargolyes – not sure if that is the official term or not!
Ah! Gargoyles. I thought that gargoyles were limited to half man – half beast creatures, but I prefer that term. Grotesques sound…well grotesque. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by!
I love a good walk, even more with my dog. Thanks for taking me along on this one.
One of my favorite things to do.
I thought of you and Inigo the other day when, on our evening walk, Reggie ate the carrot out of a snowman’s nose.
Carpe Diem indeed 😉
1880 historic??? I live right next to a half-excavated Roman circus.
Ha! Historic is all relative. 🙂
It so is 😉
I found a tin of tomatoes in the back of my cupboard this morning, which I think would qualify. It’s about to explode… must evict if from the house before it does.
I think you’ll need a Haz-Mat suit. 🙂
I don’t care if anyone else calls that a grotesque, I’m going with it.
Definitely. His eyes seem to follow you as you walk by.
Kind of like a creepy Mona Lisa.
Your walk to the subway is amazing! I would be taking it all in every day—-how are you surviving all of the snow? Love the Carpe Diem in the snow.
What amazes me is how often I notice new details even though I’ve walked this route hundreds of times. There are so many interesting things to see.
Do you have a lot of snow there?
Beautiful walk!!! I think it is Historic, and I agree with your comment: there are so many things surrounding us we never pay attention to!
My walks are more mundane, through forests and fields…I would love to be in your place, thought it would be difficult to me with two Border Collies!
Carpe Diem!
I would love to walk through forests and fields on my way to work. It would be much more serene. I bet the border collies love it. 🙂
Reggie is a city dog through and through. His favorite activity is finding napkins or tissues on the sidewalk for a tasty snack.
Oh my! Mine do the same when we go to the city!
But I tell you, ….I prefere that to the sh…of the animals they find on the forest!!! 🙁
Gorgeous walk! I’m currently (but not permanently or I might lose my mind!) living in the most suburby of all suburbs. Mostly boring – but even here if I pay attention I find little details that enchant me into taking photographs.
It’s the little details that I find so interesting. I bet even in the suburbiest of suburbs, there are plenty of cool things to notice.
Thanks for stopping by!
Great pictures! I’m like you. I love classic architecture and the more ornate, the better. It’s infinitely more interesting than a soot smeared white gone gray soul-less bland box, the dull architecture of the 50s and 60s. There isn’t as much modern architecture that rocks my world but I am a fan of the New York Times building, the Guggenheim (guess Frank Lloyd Wright knew what he was doing) and the Lipstick building is pretty cool, too. Yet, I prefer glass brick, ornate wrought iron gates and carved faces in elaborate stone facades flashing the stink eye.
I love all the ornamentation of the older architecture. There’s a building on the corner of 7th Ave and 58th Street with super carvings and etchings, it looks like a cake topper and I think it’s just mesmerizing.
So nice to get out of the Minnesota suburbs with this photo tour. Thank you!
I only wish I could offer you a sunny, warm destination. 🙂
I love your neighborhood and the beautiful architecture!
Was going to say “gargoyle,” but I like “grotesque” better too. 🙂
I think the Venetian hotel in Vegas is patterned after Ca’ d’Oro too.
I didn’t know that about the Venetian hotel, but I could understand why architects use the original building in Venice as inspiration. It has such beautiful patterns and lines. When I was in Venice years ago I don’t remember seeing it, and now I wish I’d paid more attention. 🙂
I don’t remember seeing it either. It’s also similar to the Doge’s Palace, which I do remember.
I loved the Doge’s Palace — and the Bridge of Sighs. Whether the legend is true or not, it still makes for a good story.
LOVE this, Jackie! I’d want to walk that route, as well. And you’re right, the window with cool circles is so fun–looks so Art Deco. Hope you and Reggie have a great walk today, as well, and stay warm in the process!
Hugs from Ecuador,
Yes, that art deco style is so much fun. There are a few buildings that had been renovated during the 20s and 30s, including my building. You’d get a kick out of some of the leftover details from that era — old dumbwaiters and cold boxes.
Hope you’re having a great weekend!
Stunning neighbourhood. I really want to visit New York.
I like that door with the envelope slots and The Montauk Club.
I’m just reading Wharton’s The House of Mirth and that already put me in the mood to visit.
I smiled when you mentioned The House of Mirth. I haven’t read that book ages and I’m afraid I’ve forgotten so many details. I’ve been thinking I would like to reread it. Thanks for the reminder!
Ah, I just loved this walk with you – I so know what you mean about noticing something different each day. What a lovely blog post. Hope you’re well and keeping warm over there
Sunshine x
Thank you for coming along with me. 🙂
So nice to hear from you Sunshine! Hope you’re doing well.
Love ” grotesque”. You have a very cool view in your commute. I see mostly pine trees and the general store.
I think pine trees and the general store would be a lovely commute. I wouldn’t mind seeing a bit more nature on my way to work. 🙂
I love the magnet as well and Miles totally agrees. What a lovely walk. I work from home so my work isn’t as exciting. Unless you count dirty dishes by the sink and laundry piles.
Reggie and I find many cool things on our walks around the neighborhood that Miles would enjoy like used tennis balls and napkins. Sometimes we even find chicken wings and pizza slices. Reggie thinks those are the best.