by Jackie Cangro | Writing Inspiration
Well, 2020 has felt like a marathon with a moving finish line. I usually love this time of year. The twinkle lights. The egg nog. The holiday movies I wrap myself in like a cozy blanket. But even at the end of a “normal” year, I’m often drained,...
by Jackie Cangro | Writing Inspiration
I decided to put together a little package of inspirations that will help me stay connected and keep my commitment in tact, and I hope you will be interested in joining me.
by Jackie Cangro | Book Review, Writing Life, Writing Resources
Here are recommendations for books about the writing life that may have slipped under your radar. Maybe they are a bit older or were published to less fanfare, but they still offer valuable guidance on how to navigate this writing life.
by Jackie Cangro | Writing Inspiration
There is a writing group to fit every need. There are heavy-duty critique groups that provide written feedback MFA-style. (I was a member of one that had by-laws and a mission statement. It was intense.) There are casual online groups that allow you to email pages...
by Jackie Cangro | Writing Inspiration
Whether you love New Year’s resolutions or love to hate them, the start of a fresh calendar is a good time to take stock in the past year and think about where you want to go in the next. I’ve become a convert to the benefits of writing resolutions....