At first glance and from a distance, you may confuse an albatross with a gull. It’s an easy mistake. They’re both seabirds with long, narrow wings. They both have mostly white feathers and stout bodies.
But, no offense to the gulls, albatrosses are way cooler, though it’s likely you’ve never seen one up close. They live on the wing, primarily over the waters of the Southern Hemisphere and throughout the Pacific Ocean, and only visit land to raise their chicks.
Ready for Takeoff
Albatrosses are the largest seabirds, and the largest of all— the wandering albatross (Diomedea exulans)— soars on wings of nearly 11 feet long. They put those long wings to good use. They are experts at using the wind currents to travel hundreds of miles without flapping once.

Waved albatross in flight over the Galapagos Islands. (Photo credit: Sara Yeomans
As graceful and majestic as they are in the air, they are incredibly awkward on land, waddling about like penguins. When the wind is calm, they have to run for a good long way to build up enough speed to take off.
What nose?
Tubenose. Albatrosses are part of the group of seabirds known as tubenoses. They have a neat feature on their bills that can filter salt, which allows them to drink seawater.
It takes a village
Albatrosses build their nests on the ground in colonies. Both parents have to bring food for the chick every 3-4 days in order for it to gain the necessary weight. (Full-grown albatrosses are a hefty 22 pounds!) Occasionally the parents are gone for a week or more, traveling hundreds of miles to collect enough squid and fish, leaving the chick behind in the care of its “aunties.”

Laysan albatrosses nesting on Midway Atoll Wildlife Refuge. The birds with the dark heads are juveniles. (Photo credit: David Patte/U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service)
It takes the chicks an average of six months to gain enough strength in their wings to leave the nest, after which time they will stay at sea for the next five to ten years, until they are ready to mate. Sometimes young albatrosses will come ashore during mating season to “practice.”
The dance
Speaking of mating, albatrosses have a very unique way of selecting their partner: they dance. I could describe it, but I’ll just let you watch this clip. It’s sure to put a smile on your face. These young birds are practicing as they haven’t reached maturity. The female (on the right) looks like she’s putting in a bit more effort, wouldn’t you agree?
After mating the pair will stay together for several years or, in many cases, for the rest of their lives. But the pair isn’t always male-female. A few years ago, scientists discovered that 31 percent of the Laysan albatross (Phoebastria immutabilis) pairs on the Hawaiian island of Oahu are female-female.

This Laysan albatross chick is one month old. Over the next year or so, he will grow to look like this… (Photo from the Cornell University Bird Lab)

A handsome adult Laysan albatross. Photo taken on Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge. (Photo credit: David Patte/U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service)
Why is this? Each year an estimated 100,000 albatrosses drown by becoming ensnared in fishing line set by long-line trawlers. There is also the growing problem of plastic. (The Audubon Society cites a study that 90 percent of seabirds have ingested plastic.) Of the 22 species of albatross, 15 are threatened with extinction. Legislation has been introduced to the US Congress making it possible for the US to join an international treaty to advance protection of these birds.
Have you seen an albatross in person? Have a great weekend, everyone!
What an amazing mating dance! I’ve never seen that before. Fascinating creatures. I hope you continue this series for a long while. 🙂
Isn’t that comical? I love the part where they bounce up and down. They do a modified version of this dance whenever they greet each other after being apart.
I’m so glad that you like the series, Patti! I know it’s a bit off topic from my usual posts.
They are amazing birds. We actually saw some when we were in New Zealand and they are really pretty incredible birds. Thanks for such a great post about these creatures.
How terrific that you’ve been able to see them in person! I hope to get to see them in the Galapagos some day. Bucket list trip. 🙂
I want to go to the Galapagos as well. This year travel looks to be limited to the US but hopefully one day we will be venturing out of the states again.
The only real consideration about going to the Galapagos is what time of year. I have to decide which animals I want to see most and go in the months they are there. Of course the tortoises are there all year round. 😉
Such a sad ending to a fascinating posts. Is there nothing humans don’t endanger?
Loved the mating dance.
The added difficulty for albatross numbers is that it is such an effort to raise the chick. If one parent dies, the remaining parent often can’t shoulder the burden alone.
As an avid armchair (i.e., too much of a sloth to do so seriously) bird-lover, I loved this post. It’s possible that I’ve seen an albatross before, but in the infinity of my ignorance, I assumed that it was an amazon-sized seagull. Their mating dance rocks. Maybe I should try that the next time I meet someone who excites me? Maybe not. At my age, I might injure myself.
It’s a very flashy dance. I love the part where they show off their “armpits.” Who knew armpits could be so alluring?
Drink seawater?!? We humans think we’re so evolved… We are so wrong and have much to learn from our furry and feathered friends.
Evolution is cool! When the salt water is filtered from the little holes on their beak, tiny salt crystals accumulate around the edge.
Amazing creatures. The mating dance made me laugh. It would be so cool to see them in nature. Great post, Jackie.
I find it incredible that they can soar on air currents for hours without flapping — very efficient! have a great weekend!
What an education, Jackie. The mating dance is entertaining – they looked as if they were jumping on a trampoline.
I wish I had that much energy! 🙂 Glad this brought a smile to your day.
Loved loved the dance!
I would like to have those kinds of moves. 🙂
Haa. Me too. Sadly it don’t move like it used too. Ha!