by Jackie Cangro | Writing Life
Implement these five rules to combat the summer writing blues.
by Jackie Cangro | Writing Life
At some point when you’re writing your novel, you’ll realize you need to look outside of yourself and your characters for answers. This is true for all genres—historical, sci-fi, contemporary. Even memoir writers don’t completely escape the long arm...
by Jackie Cangro | Writing Life
Does the thought of doing research for your novel or memoir fill you with dread? Do you put it off until you have gaping holes in your story or abandon your idea altogether? Never fear! Research for your novel can be fun. First, think about what kind of information...
by Jackie Cangro | Book Review, Writing Life, Writing Resources
Here are recommendations for books about the writing life that may have slipped under your radar. Maybe they are a bit older or were published to less fanfare, but they still offer valuable guidance on how to navigate this writing life.
by Jackie Cangro | Writing Life
Recently I went hiking at Mashomack Preserve on Shelter Island. Mashomack encompasses one-third of the island including woodlands, marshes, ponds, coastline, and grasslands. As pristine as it is, I began my hike with a lot on my mind. My thoughts were spiraling around...
by Jackie Cangro | Book Review, Writing Life
I reached out to author Bethany Ball and she kindly agreed to answer a few questions about her debut novel, What to Do About the Solomons.