by Jackie | Around NYC, The One With, The Subway Chronicles
When I first moved to NYC, everything that happened on the subway was fascinating and exciting. I found an endless source of delicious “material” for my stories. What more could a writer ask for? After logging hundreds (maybe thousands) of hours commuting...
by Jackie | Living Deliberately, The One With
When I was a kid, I thought one of the perks of being an adult meant that I would never have to do anything I didn’t want to do. Bye-bye cauliflower. Hello Pop-Tarts for dinner. (Aside: have you heard about the new peanut butter Pop Tarts? Thank you to the...
by Jackie | Living Deliberately, The One With, The Subway Chronicles
I’ve always liked Susan B. Anthony. Not that I knew her personally or anything. She be close to 200, and I’m not nearly that old (though sometimes it feels like I am). By “liked,” I mean she always fascinated me. She’d be on my list of...
by Jackie | Around NYC, The One With
In the heart of Chinatown in Manhattan, amidst the shouts of street vendors and the briny scent of fish, there is a plain awning advertising, in both Chinese and English, medicinal herbs, bodywork and acupuncture. At first glance this probably is not a business you...
by Jackie | Around NYC, The One With
The one constant through all the years, Ray, has been baseball…It reminds us of all that once was good, and that could be again. ~James Earl Jones as Terrence Mann in Field of Dreams Even though Derek Jeter and the Bleacher Creatures of Yankee Stadium are just a...