Friday Five

1. Tiny Bubbles. There’s something about penguins that is comical and fascinating at the same time. They’re so awkward on land yet in the water they’re graceful and elegant. To get out of the ocean onto the ice is a combination of both qualities....

Friday Five

1. Reggie and Me.  2. A Room of One’s Own.  One of the daily prompts this week just made my heart go pitter patter: A genie has granted your wish to build your perfect space for reading and writing. What’s it like? My apartment is so small that the idea of...

Friday Five

1. Weekly photo challenge. I usually don’t participate in the photo challenge because I’m a terrible photographer. Look no further than this blog as evidence of that. But I enjoy looking through real photographers’ interpretations of the week’s...

Friday Five

1. My Tiny Spark. I was absolutely thrilled that my favorite Tennessean, Tori over at The Ramblings, featured a piece  I wrote about Pearl Fryar as part of her Tiny Spark series.  Mr. Fryar has single-handedly cultivated a garden oasis of 300 topiaries in his...

Friday Five

1. Christmas tree graveyard. A little sad to see all of these trees, decorated and primped only days ago, waiting for the mulcher. 2. Technology Sabbath. On Wednesday, our network servers went down for the better part of the day. No email. No shared files. No...

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