Nature Calls: Albatrosses
Imagine if you had to do the courtship ritual of the albatross. Whew! The clip is sure to put a smile on your face.
Authorial Intrusion: Experiments
It’s important for writers to take risks. But when is it pushing the boundaries and self-indulgent?
Why We Read: To Stretch Our World
“We need fiction to stretch our world.”
~Susan Sontag
Salt to the Sea, by Ruta Sepetys, made me wonder if I would have the courage her characters had.
Free-for-all Friday
What superpower do you wish you had? #superpowerforgood
Nature Calls: Hummingbirds
Today, we're going from one of the largest species to one of the smallest. Don't be fooled by their size. These charming birds are quite powerful and can do things no other bird can do. How small is small? The smallest, the Bee Hummingbird (Mellisuga helenae), is only...
Authorial Intrusion: The Details
The devil is in the details. Is that a good thing?
Why We Read: To Change Our Minds
I never liked Pride and Prejudice. Then the “Janeites” got to me.
Free-for-all Friday
The scope of one question can change the way you see the world.
Nature Calls: Bears
Today we’re going to the bears! Some fun and interesting facts about the largest mammal in North America.
Authorial Intrusion: Remaining Calm
In this first post in a series about writing and editing, I’d like to discuss The End. A lot of authors find it difficult to wrap things up in a way that is satisfying to you, the reader, while staying true to the story and its characters. Tips on how to close a story...