The One with the Puffins
This week, MamaKat suggested a writing prompt to select a photo from your archive at random and post your thoughts about it. I threw a virtual dart at my digital album and landed on this gem: The credit for these lovely photos goes to my intrepid travel friend, R....
The One with the Hawaiian Bungalow
Dr. Temple Grandin thinks in pictures. She was diagnosed with autism as a child and, for many years, assumed everyone processed thoughts this way. "Words are like a second language to me. I translate both spoken and written words into full-color movies, complete with...
The One with Riding the Subway
When I first moved to NYC, everything that happened on the subway was fascinating and exciting. I found an endless source of delicious "material" for my stories. What more could a writer ask for? After logging hundreds (maybe thousands) of hours commuting on the New...
The One with the Photo Shoot
When I was a kid, I thought one of the perks of being an adult meant that I would never have to do anything I didn't want to do. Bye-bye cauliflower. Hello Pop-Tarts for dinner. (Aside: have you heard about the new peanut butter Pop Tarts? Thank you to the genius who...
The One with the Dynamic Duo
I've always liked Susan B. Anthony. Not that I knew her personally or anything. She be close to 200, and I'm not nearly that old (though sometimes it feels like I am). By "liked," I mean she always fascinated me. She'd be on my list of Five People Living or Dead I'd...
The One with the Way, Way Back
If you were a child of the 1960s and 1970s in the US, the title of this post probably brings one thing to mind: station wagons. The station wagon was the quintessential pre-SUV, gas guzzling family vehicle with the turning radius of an army tank. You could...
The One with the Chinese Massage Place
In the heart of Chinatown in Manhattan, amidst the shouts of street vendors and the briny scent of fish, there is a plain awning advertising, in both Chinese and English, medicinal herbs, bodywork and acupuncture. At first glance this probably is not a business you...
The One with the Brooklyn Cyclones
The one constant through all the years, Ray, has been baseball...It reminds us of all that once was good, and that could be again. ~James Earl Jones as Terrence Mann in Field of Dreams Even though Derek Jeter and the Bleacher Creatures of Yankee Stadium are just a...
The One with the Twin Brother
I live in a 1920s-era building (read: no central air conditioning), so in order for Reggie and I to stay cool and sane in the summer months, I install an air conditioner in my window. These units are as common in NYC windows as rats on the subway tracks. But air...
The One with the Stupid Question
"There is no such thing as a stupid question." ~ Mrs. Reynolds, kindergarten teacher I'm sorry to be the one to disappoint Mrs. Reynolds, but there are stupid questions. Many of which I, personally, have asked. Take last week, for instance. Upon returning home from...