Reach Your Writing Goals

Writing CoachingDoes this describe your writing challenges?


   You’ve been trudging through your story and, even though you spent all that time creating an outline, you’re unsure what the characters or should do next.

   You write a page and then delete half of it.

   You feel like you’re on a treadmill, plugging away and not getting anywhere.

   You’re losing confidence in your ability to get your story out into the world.


With fall just around the corner, you know you’re going to lose focus.

I understand! I’ve been there too! As a writer, I know it can be a struggle to stay motivated and optimistic, especially during transition periods. (Like fall!)

Writing Coaching

This is an all-access pass designed to help you stay on track.

We’ll work 1:1 to clarify your writing goals, develop a process tailored to you, and get words on the page.

What this isn’t:

   A one-size-fits-all method. You’ll receive a customized plan with writing explorations that fit where you are on your writing journey.

   Self-guided study. I am here, with you every step of the way. We’ll have weekly check-ins to help you face your challenges.

⇒   The “drill sergeant” approach. I am a kindred spirit, a fellow writer. I will treat you with respect and compassion. I will encourage you, not berate you.

   Something you can get from a book. Craft books and blog posts can be helpful, but I am bringing my 20+ years of experience editing, teaching, and working at the world’s largest publishing house directly to you.

By the end of our writing coaching sessions, you’ll:

have 10,000-20,000 words written!

have a roadmap for the next 10,000-20,000 words.

feel less overwhelm.

improve and polish your writing.

have actionable steps to keep you on the right path.

prioritize your writing project with clarity and purpose.


My Writing Coaching program is open on a rolling basis. Apply now! Drop me a note below, and I’ll send you all the details. 

Let's Work Toward Your Writing Goals!

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