Today is the last day! Voting will be open until midnight (New York time) on Sunday. Have you made your guess?

Housekeeping: I’m traveling right now…somewhere. Each day for five days I’ll give you a clue about the location and you can post your guess in the comments. I’ll donate $1 for each person who posts a guess, up to $100. The first person to guess correctly will be able to choose from one of four charities listed below.  To keep things on the up and up, please only post one guess per day. All comments will be pending approval so everyone can get a fair shake.  I’ll post all the comments at the end of the contest. (If you’re one of the few people who actually knows my destination, shhh!)

Happy guessing! I’ll see you all back here when I return.


This city is officially bilingual.


Catch up with previous clues:
Clue 1
Clue 2
Clue 3
Clue 4

Best Friends Animal Society: Best Friends envisions a future with No More Homeless Pets. From their headquarters in Utah, where they operate the nation’s largest no-kill sanctuary (home to nearly 1,700 dogs, cats, parrots, pigs, horses and more), Best Friends works with partners around the country to promote spay/neuter campaigns, put an end to puppy mills, fight breed-discrimination laws (BDL) and educate the public on trap-neuter-return programs for cats. Read about my volunteer trip to Best Friends. For more information, visit

Habitat for Humanity: Habitat for Humanity International welcomes to its work all people dedicated to the cause of eliminating poverty housing. Since its founding in 1976, Habitat has built more than 350,000 houses worldwide, providing simple, decent and affordable shelter for more than 1.75 million people. For more information, visit and

Kiva: Regular readers of this blog know I really believe in the work Kiva is doing to help alleviate poverty. Using a worldwide network of lending institutions, Kiva lets individuals lend as little as $25 to help create business opportunities for those in need. Then they connect individuals to other lenders around the world. Since 2005, Kiva has made more than $415 million in loans in 67 countries with a 99% repayment rate. For more information, visit

Oceana: Oceana is an international organization focused solely on ocean conservation. They work with countries around the world on campaigns ranging from protecting wildlife to stopping pollution to preserving sensitive marine areas to ending destructive fishing methods. For more information, visit

Read posts about some of my past trips:
The Netherlands
Keukenoff Garden, The Netherlands

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