by Jackie Cangro | Writing Craft
No doubt you’ve seen them — the charts that allow you to get to know your novel’s characters by filling in the blanks. These charts prompt you with basic questions about each character: Siblings? Age? Education? Many writers spend hours diligently completing these charts and still don’t really know their characters.
by Jackie | Writing Life
I confess. I am a pantser. I know. I can hear all you plotters out there. Life is easier when you’re a plotter.
by Jackie | Writing Life
Let’s say you wake up one morning and realize 120 pages of the novel you’ve written are terrible, as I did.
by Jackie | The One With, Writing Life
Last week, a fun meme was rolling around on social media to list ten books that have stayed with you. Usually the book that is most “with me” is the one I’m reading right now, but the more I thought about it, the longer my list became. Isn’t...