The One With the High Line

Occasionally I break out my fanny pack (just kidding) and white sneakers (kidding again) and pretend to be a tourist in my town. Come along with me as I walk the High Line, an old elevated train line now converted into a New York City park. It opened in 1934 along the...

The One With the Blizzard That Wasn't

The snowpocalypse that meteorologists predicted for the New York City area earlier this week swung everyone into high gear. Subway and bus service (which normally operates 24/7 here) stopped running. Non-essential vehicles were banned from the streets. Schools called...

The One with the Aerobed

There are two irrefutable facts about living in New York City: It is easier (and probably more life-affirming) to get to the summit of Mount Everest, than to get across town in Manhattan. To achieve the latter, you will need a minimum of three subway transfers, a...

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