Where in the World Am I? (Clue 3)

This is the last day! Have you made your guess yet? I am…somewhere. It’s up to you to guess where. I’ll post three clues and each day you can post your guess in the comments. Your guess will count toward a donation to a local charitable organization....

Where in the World Am I? (Clue 2)

For the next two days, I have a fun quiz for you all! Don’t worry, this isn’t like your school exams. There’s no chance of being sent to the principal’s office. I am…somewhere. It’s up to you to guess where. I’ll post...

Where in the World Am I? (Clue 1)

For the next three days, I have a quiz for you! Don’t worry, this isn’t like your school exams. There’s no chance of being sent to the principal’s office. I am…somewhere. It’s up to you to guess where. I’ll post three clues...

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