The One With the Muse

Nathan Englander admitted that he often wears earplugs when he writes—even if no one else is home. A.J. Jacobs writes while walking on a treadmill. (Talk about multi-tasking!) Truman Capote famously wrote while lying down. “I am a completely horizontal...

The One with $500

My novel takes place on a cross-country train trip from New York to California, pre-iPods, cell phones and personal computers. After the main characters have played cards and read the newspaper, there is nothing left for them to do but (gasp) talk to each other. They...

The One with the Monk

There was a monk — a splendid sort; I saw that his sleeves were edged at the cuff with gray fur, and that the finest in the land; and to fasten his hood under his chin he had a very intricate pin made of gold; there was a love knot in the bigger end. His head...

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