by Jackie | Living Deliberately, The One With
There was a monk — a splendid sort; I saw that his sleeves were edged at the cuff with gray fur, and that the finest in the land; and to fasten his hood under his chin he had a very intricate pin made of gold; there was a love knot in the bigger end. His head...
by Jackie | Living Deliberately, The One With, The Subway Chronicles
I’ve always liked Susan B. Anthony. Not that I knew her personally or anything. She be close to 200, and I’m not nearly that old (though sometimes it feels like I am). By “liked,” I mean she always fascinated me. She’d be on my list of...
by Jackie | Around NYC, Friday Five, Tourist in My Town
The Fort Greene neighborhood of Brooklyn is not far from my mine so I took a walk last weekend. Come along. 1. Architecture. 2. Signage. Conflicting messages? 3. Greenlight Bookstore. This is one of my favorite indie bookstore in the city. (Yes, we still have those...
by Jackie | Animal Instinct, Friday Five, Writing Life
1. More Dogs in Slo-mo. Really, isn’t everything better in slo-mo? [youtube] 2. Favorite movie lines. One of the daily prompts this week got me thinking about my favorite movie quotes. So here...