by Jackie Cangro | Writing Craft
No doubt you’ve seen them — the charts that allow you to get to know your novel’s characters by filling in the blanks. These charts prompt you with basic questions about each character: Siblings? Age? Education? Many writers spend hours diligently completing these charts and still don’t really know their characters.
by Jackie | Why We Read
The best stories, the most memorable stories, are the ones in which build an unbreakable bridge between the reader and character.
by Jackie | Free-for-all Friday
Let’s try an experiment. I’m going to give $100 to you, a loyal reader of this blog. But there’s a catch. (Isn’t there always?)
by Jackie | Living Deliberately, The One With, Writing Life
My novel takes place on a cross-country train trip from New York to California, pre-iPods, cell phones and personal computers. After the main characters have played cards and read the newspaper, there is nothing left for them to do but (gasp) talk to each other. They...