by Jackie | The One With, Writing Life
A few suggestions for terrific summer reads.
by Jackie | Living Deliberately, The One With, Writing Life
Every now and then I come across a book that has been collecting dust on my shelves. I’ll buy a book, add it to the pile and then for some reason never get around to reading it. Right now that book is Edith Wharton’s masterpiece The House of...
by Jackie | Friday Five, Living Deliberately, Writing Life
1. Daring Greatly. In a previous post, I shared Brene Brown’s fantastic TED talk: The power of vulnerability. Talk about eye-opener! (If you haven’t seen the TED talk, check it out below. It’s time well-spent!) What has me singing Dr. Brown’s...
by Jackie | Friday Five, Living Deliberately, Work 'n Such, Writing Life
1. Brooklyn by Colm Toibin. I forget when I originally heard about author Colm Toibin, only that his name kept popping up in various places until I picked up his most recent book, Brooklyn. Boy, I’m glad I did. This is one of those books that sneaks up on you....