Frequently Asked Questions

If you’re thinking about hiring a freelance editor, you’ve probably got a few questions.





Which genres are your specialties?

I am well versed editing in most genres, but I gravitate toward mainstream/literary fiction, short stories, and narrative nonfiction (memoir and essay). My first love is historical fiction!

I'm writing a science fiction manuscript. Can you edit it?

Sure! I have edited a wide variety of styles and genres. Some genres have certain plot arcs and character types. I keep these elements in mind as I edit, always considering the reader’s expectations for that genre.

That said, there are some types of writing I do not edit. I do not edit poetry, textbook material, technical writing or scripts/screenplays.

What types of editing do you handle?
  • Proofreading  (grammar, spelling)
  • Copy Editing / Line Editing (paragraph and sentence structure, word use)
  • Developmental or Manuscript Evaluation (the “big picture” items like pacing, characterization, structure)
  • Coaching (one-on-one writing consultations)
I don’t have the entire manuscript finished. Will you edit a partial manuscript?

It depends. Many writers find it helpful to get a partial critique—usually an outline and the first 10,000 words.

You may also be interested in one-on-one coaching for more in-depth guidance. Send me a message and let’s chat.

What is the first step?

I’d love to learn a bit more about your project!

Fill out the form on the contact page. Include the following information, so I can get an idea how I can best be of service to you:

Word count of complete project
Brief synopsis/description
Type of editing requested (developmental editing/manuscript consultation, proofreading, etc.)

Or, send me a message via email: contact {at} jacquelincangro [DOT] com

What about pricing and turnaround time?

My rates are per project. There are no hidden charges. As long as you have fairly represented the scope of the project, the price will remain at the agreed-upon rate. Please fill out the contact form to get a quote

Turnaround time varies greatly depending on the length and scope of the work and what projects are in the queue ahead of yours. I will give you a specific time frame before I begin editing.

What are my payment options?

I accept payments through PayPal, through which you can use a major credit card or bank transfer. I will send a PayPal invoice for a 50 percent down payment as I begin the project with the balance upon completion.

You don’t need a PayPal account. Your payments can be processed as a guest transaction.

If you’re not in the US (where I am), no worries—PayPal makes the necessary currency conversions.

What do I get from you?

After you submit your manuscript via email attachment (Word document preferred), I’ll get right to work!

I make all edits and comments within your manuscript document using the track changes feature, so you can easily see the updates. When I’ve completed editing, I’ll return the manuscript to you via email. Depending on the type of editing, you’ll also receive one of two documents:

  • For content or developmental edit, you’ll receive an in-depth report (usually about 5-7 pages) with an in-depth review about what is working and what needs your attention.
  • For copy editing or proofreading, you’ll receive a style sheet which is a handy guide to maintain consistency throughout a manuscript. (For example, I will make sure that if a character’s name is spelled Jon on page 4, it is always spelled that way.)


If you have any questions about my feedback or edits, I’m here for you! I want to help you make your project the best it can be.

Is my submission confidential?

In short, yes. Your work will be treated with the highest ethical standards. I will not show your work to anyone else without your permission. I don’t keep copies of your work after my services are completed.

Can you help me find an agent or publisher?

No. That’s really out of my area of expertise. Check out The Association of Authors’ Representatives, Publisher’s Marketplace or the Writer’s Market for listings of agents and publishers that might be suitable for your project.

I have another question. How can I reach you?

Please drop me a line through the contact form and we can chat about what options might best suit you.


Have a question that wasn’t answered here? Send me a message!


It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.

Henry David Thoreau

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