by Jackie | Writing Life
Have you ever daydreamed of writing a series that has touched as many people as Harry Potter? Or writing a memoir as successful as Eat, Pray, Love? I close my eyes and think about how wonderful that would be. For a moment I smile, and then something weird happens.
by Jackie | Writing Life
Giving and receiving feedback: Five guidelines to help make sure you have a productive workshop experience.
by Jackie | Writing Life
Here are five tips if you’re considering attending a creative writing workshop.
by Jackie | Writing Life
Today I want to talk about a different kind of authorial intrusion—one where self-doubt creeps into the author’s mind a plays on a loop like a roller coaster you can’t get off.
by Jackie | Writing Life
What happens when a highly respected author and Wharton professor takes your words out of context to suit his point?
by Jackie | Writing Life
I confess. I am a pantser. I know. I can hear all you plotters out there. Life is easier when you’re a plotter.