The One with the Shirtwaist

Among the people walking through Washington Square Park in Manhattan on March 25, 1911, was a reporter for the United Press news agency. William Gunn Shepherd followed the sound of women screaming, volunteer firemen sloshing buckets of water and windows shattering. As...

The One with Bossy

There has been a lot of “bossy” talk in the media this week. Sheryl Sandberg would like to have the word banned from use. As an opposer of censorship, I don’t support encouraging the banning of words, but as I writer, I see her point. Words are...

The One with the Eavesdropping

“When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen.” ~Ernest Hemingway I wholeheartedly agree with Hemingway on that point. Being a writer, I am a shameless eavesdropper. The best way to get a feel for the rhythms of natural speech is by listening when I...

The One with the Birkenstocks

A job interview is like a first date — you know within the first five minutes if there will be a second date. A few years ago when I had an entry-level position available in my department, I felt like I’d been on an endless speed-dating circuit of...

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