The One With the Brooklyn Bridge

A couple weeks ago, I wrote a post about some of the places on my bucket list. V over at Lame Adventures commented that her wanderlust budget would only get her over the Brooklyn Bridge. (Inside NYC joke: the bridge is free!) Although it’s not a local secret,...

The One With the Advice

I’m not sure that I would have listened to me, but if I could take a Wayne’s World time warp to impart some *wisdom* on my twenty-something self, these are a few of the things I would say.   1. Being creative is largely about protecting precious time....

The One with the Carousel

What is it about carousels that represent a certain innocence and joy? Is it that special oom-pah-pah music? The bright colors and mirrors? The way the horses glide up and down in perfect harmony? I hadn’t been on a carousel since I was probably ten, but...

The One with Maple Syrup

Syrup is big business. So big that two years ago it was the object of a major heist — an $18 million heist of six million gallons — from a Canadian syrup cartel. The Coen Brothers are making a movie about it. If this all sounds a little too fantastical to...

The One With Hope

  Dr. Jane Goodall and I met in 2008 at a lecture in Manhattan. I was as giddy as a schoolgirl. I’m a fan of Dr. Jane for many reasons — her determination and courage, chief among them. In 1960,  26-year-old Jane Goodall was hiking to her vantage...

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