The One with the Goddess Pele

Last weekend, I was moving some things around in my closet and found this business card on the floor tucked behind some storage bins. Somehow it survived a move, several closet reorganizations and the actual camera, which was the reason I had it in the first...

The One with the Taboo Topics

With the holiday season in full swing, chances are you have a party or two on your calendar. Maybe an office get-together. A neighborhood potluck. An industry association event (yawn). Some people shine at these kinds of gatherings, able to tear through small talk...

The One with All the Christmas Lights

Instead of shopping on “black Friday,” I’ll be taking in the sights and sounds of the season right here in Brooklyn. Come along with me to the neighborhood of Dyker Heights. Bet your neighbors don’t do Christmas like this… If Rockefeller...

The One with the Simple Gifts

When I say Las Vegas, you might think: Elvis Casinos Britney Spears  The Rat Pack But when I say Las Vegas, I think: Aaron Copland Simple Gifts Martha Graham Not what you’d expect, I know. But it was in Sin City that I was introduced to the most beautiful song...

The One with the Guitar

During my senior year of college, I had a space to fill on my course card to maintain status as a full-time student. I’d already taken all the classes required for my degree, so I decided to do something radical: take a class for the fun of it. Which was how I...

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